Tag: Anthony L. Taylor

Aug. 23, 2022

Army Reserve CSTX enhances realistic environments for training of its forces and partner nations

The Army Reserve’s 86th Training Division facilitated Combat Support Training Exercise 86-22-02 at Fort McCoy, Wisconsin, August 6 – 20, 2022, where training focused on the sustainer.

Dec. 2, 2020

US and EU military leaders engage in virtual panel to further transatlantic cooperation

“I wish to stress that I am particularly impressed by those who decide to serve in the military in addition to their professional occupation in the civilian world”, said Stavros Lambrinidis, Ambassador of the European Union to the United States. “Those composing the military reserve forces enhance military readiness. They contribute their rich and diverse skills to the missions of armed forces, and they demonstrate a deep personal commitment to the defense of their nation and their allies.”