
The Policy, International Training and Resources directorate is responsible for resourcing and overseeing the development, coordination and implementation of policies associated with the U.S. Army's security cooperation activities. 
Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Security Assistance Policy

The FMS Security Assistance Policy team analyzes, coordinates and recommends the development of and updates to policies and procedures for implementing of the U.S. Army's security assistance activities.

The team provides management oversight of U.S. Army organizations involved in the executing program requirements to ensure effective implementation and consistency with existing policies.

Major policies include:
International Training Policy

The International Training Policy team develops and promulgates security cooperation policy guidance and provides executive level oversight, management and administration of international training provided by the U.S. Army to allies and partner nations under security assistance authorities.   

The team:
  • provides oversight of international training processes across the U.S. Army;
  • provides advice and assistance to U.S. Army, Department of Defense, and interagency organizations;
  • ensures U.S. Army compliance with the Arms Export Control Act and Foreign Assistance Act requirements related to international training;
  • is responsible for the establishment and administration of international training agreements with allied and partner nations; and 
  • is the official point of contact at the U.S. Army headquarters for foreign nations regarding training provided by the U.S. Army through security assistance programs.
Major regulations include: 
  • AR 12-15, Joint Security Cooperation Education and Training; and
  • AR 12-7, Security Assistance Training Teams.