Tag: Camp Lemonnier

Jan. 14, 2022

National Guard infantry units support East Africa mission

Throughout history, the U.S. Army National Guard’s 1-102nd Infantry Regiment (Mountain) and the 1-116th Infantry Regiment have fought alongside and even against one another. From the Revolutionary War to the Civil War and reuniting during WWI, the two battalions have once again met, this time in Africa, passing the torch of responsibility for the Combined Joint Task Force – Horn of Africa’s (CJTF-HOA) security forces mission.

Sept. 8, 2021

Kentucky Guard Engineers conduct Djibouti State Partnership training

For over 25 years, through SPP, the National Guard has conducted military-to-military engagements in support of defense security goals, and leverages whole-of-society relationships and capabilities to facilitate broader interagency and corollary engagements; spanning military, government, and economic and social spheres. Kentucky maintains state partnerships with Djibouti and Ecuador.