Tag: North Macedonia

Feb. 16, 2022

Vermont Guard shares communication strategy with SPP partner

“Crisis communication is about responding quickly with as much information as possible, as frequently as possible,” said U.S. Army Capt. Mike Arcovitch, public affairs officer for the Vermont National Guard. “A major challenge with crisis communication is knowing what is and what is not releasable public information.”

Nov. 9, 2020

VT Guard hosts trauma care training with North Macedonia

Lt. Col. Sarah Davis, clinical nurse assigned to the 158th Medical Group, Vermont Air National Guard, logs on to her computer for a three-day, virtual trauma nurse training – the new normal during the COVID-19 pandemic. On another continent, time zones away, more than 10 nurses in the North Macedonian Armed Forces were also at home and logging onto their computers Sept. 28. These nurses, much like those in the Vermont National Guard, work in clinical environments and also train for contingency operations, similar to training over a drill weekend.

Aug. 8, 2020

Army Reserve command integrates Ukraine, Kosovo and North Macedonia officers into CGSOC in Europe

For the first time in history, the 7th Intermediate Level Education Detachment located in Grafenwoehr, Germany, is hosting international students for Command & General Staff Officers Course Common Core or CGSOC-CC.