Tag: Qatar

Sept. 21, 2022

Qatari Soldier graduates U.S. Army Ranger School

2nd Lt. Khalid M. Alkorbi, Qatari Joint Special Forces, graduated from U.S. Army Ranger School at Fort Benning, Georgia, September 16, 2022. He is the second soldier from Qatar to complete the elite course and earn the Ranger tab.

June 1, 2022

Qatar Partners with USACE Transatlantic Division to Strengthen the Qatar Emiri Corps of Engineers

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has been Building Strong across the Middle East for nearly 70 years, partnering with allied nations to build civil and defense infrastructure in a dynamic, challenging construction environment. These partnerships and the projects they execute are not just necessary for our success - but also for the success of our nation’s global priorities and our allied mission partners’ continued security and stability. The State of Qatar, one of our allied partners, is moving full speed ahead to make that a reality with its own Corps of Engineers nested within the Qatari Land Forces.

June 21, 2021

West Virginia, Qatar formalize military partnership

Brig. Gen. William Crane, the adjutant general of the West Virginia National Guard, and Staff Brigadier Khalid Al-Khayareen, director of the International Forces Affairs Directory for Qatar’s International Military Cooperation Authority, officially signed an expression of cooperation between West Virginia and the State of Qatar in Doha June 21.

Nov. 23, 2020

WVNG joins SPP partner Qatar in virtual exercise

The West Virginia National Guard participated in a virtual seminar with members of the Qatari Emiri Land Forces (QELF) as part of the Eastern Action joint operations staff exercise between the Qatari military and the United States Central Command (USCENTCOM) Operation Spartan Shield and Task Force Spartan.